The Reason I Have Been Ignoring You

Remember how I told you I had something super secret going on that I couldn’t tell you about just yet? Something that has been taking every waking minute of my entire non-work life for the past few weeks? Err, except for all the time I am running around doing all the summer stuff I cram into my schedule? If you have been following CityMama on Twitter, you may have an inkling about what I am going to say. Seeing as she has been scouring the Net for weeks, looking for writers.

And we can finally talk about it.

Basically, Stacey Boyd (and Stefania Pomponi Butler) from have rounded up a bunch of awesome bloggers to write about cool stuff to do in their local cities with kids ages 2-6. SOMEHOW, they let me in their cool little group – not sure why – but I am totally stoked to write about the haps in Denver. And since is already well known for it’s preschool recommendations, it’s a no-brainer to take it to the next level, right?

Except for the the fact that it takes a lot of THINKING on my part, which I am SO not used to.

But go check me out! I have my own URL, even:! Comment, read, make suggestions! Tell everyone you know! Basically, help me stay in the cool crowd for a while.

Here are some of my favorite posts thus far.

Finding Home (My intro)
Plains Trains & Automobiles (Julie, I can’t let it go!)
How To Cultivate The Tiniest Green Thumb (one of my favorite photos of Declan ever)
Five Great Day Trips (I had never heard of this Swetsville Zoo place and now I am itching to go!)
History Lesson: Red Rocks Amphitheater (Many people don’t know the real history behind the famed Red Rocks)
Top 99 Things We Must Do With Our Kids In Denver Before They Grow Up (I sweated my patootie to come up with 50, Denverites need to help me get to 99!)

Don’t forget to check out the other S.C.E.’s (Savvy City Experts). You will recognize several that you already know. I am very proud to be writing next to these folks. Group hug!!!


But! Pssst! Not to forget my O.W.G. (Original Writing Gig), I have a new post up today at Mile High Mamas. I am discussing the proper etiquette of RSVP’s. Help me decide if I faux-pased up or not.

This article has 25 comments

  1. zipper

    Congrats! It looks awesome.

  2. Lotta

    Very cool!

  3. Sizzle

    Congratulations lady!

  4. Anonymous

    Way to go!!! – D

  5. Mayberry

    Go Aimee! That’s great.

    I had fun playing “guess the blogger” for each city. OMG I am a nerd.

  6. Mamma

    So cool. I can barely keep up with my own blog and one other.

  7. mothergoosemouse

    I’m so psyched for you! Stefania, Stacey, Savvy Source, and YOU are all fabulous.

    (Oh, and I recently had to mark in which geographic location I live – and I marked WEST.)

  8. Anonymous

    Excellent – I always knew you were an expert!


  9. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Thanks so much everyone!

    And yes, I alerted the Savvy tech folks about the commenting problem too. But thanks for the heads up. It is as all launches go, right?

    And JULIE!!! My mission is life is COMPLETE!!!

  10. Anonymous

    Whooah doggie! Awesome!

  11. jennifer, playgroups are no place for children

    That’s awesome, Aimee! Congrats on the new venture.

  12. Mr Lady


    I am SO excited for you and for this! What a great idea! I’ll try and dig through the rolodex in my brain for some ideas for you!

    Adding you to my reader NOW!

  13. Lauren

    So cool! What a great resource!

  14. Anonymous

    Just checked it out. Looks very nice!

  15. Bryan

    So THAT’S what you have been doing! I was wondering where you have been lately!

    Very awesome! I am oozing with pride for you right now.

  16. Amy

    SWEET! I have been checking it out, but unable to leave comments. 🙁 I sent in feedback to the site…Keep up the good work super star!!

  17. Becky

    Tampa checking in … looking forward to working with you, now that the secret’s out!

  18. Sue at eLuckypacket

    Fabulous – big congrats!

  19. VDog


    And to think…I turned Stefania down! What was I *THINKING??*

  20. Doodaddy

    Well done!

  21. kimm

    Very Cool Miss Aimee Im so psyched for you … Kimm

  22. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Thanks so much everyone. More hugs.

  23. Keely

    Very cool! 🙂

  24. moosh in indy.


  25. Catherine

    What an awesome idea, Aimee. I love the fresh colors and fonts. Can’t wait to read up on some of this stuff. I think I’ll start with Red Rocks history. So very cool!

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