That was absolutely disgraceful…and yet it doesn’t surprise me in the least.
That is really scarey. And thats just one part of one day’s worth of voting. WTF?!?!?!?!
TX Poppet
This makes me mad enough to spit nails. I live in Texas. I watch the news most every night. How is it that I had no idea this was happening until this morning?
gretchen from lifenut
WTF is right.
While I am nauseated by this, I think it would by hysterical if they set the video to music.
I was hoping this was from or something as a joke video… WTF for sure!
WTF indeed. That is ludicrous.
Great. Now I have to go to bed angry!
I got a headache just from watching this thing.
I’m going to pretend its an SNL skit.
WTF is right!!!
This country is driving itself into the ground. Ugh! That makes me mad.
That is seriously frightening.
Infuriating and offensive!
Question: Is there anything we the people can do about it?
that sucks.
it wouldn’t surprise me if that happened in louisiana as well.
The scary part? It doesn’t surprise me … just one more thing to add to the WTF about our government.
That was absolutely disgraceful…and yet it doesn’t surprise me in the least.
That is really scarey. And thats just one part of one day’s worth of voting.
This makes me mad enough to spit nails. I live in Texas. I watch the news most every night. How is it that I had no idea this was happening until this morning?
WTF is right.
While I am nauseated by this, I think it would by hysterical if they set the video to music.
WTF is right.