
Thanks for making the move to the new and improved GREEBLEMONKEY.

Not that much around here will really change or anything. Just the name.

“Greeble” and “Monkey” were both Declan’s nicknames while in vitro. Greeble being a nonsense word which Bryan made up that just stuck, and even ended up as Declan’s official second middle name. Yes, on his birth certificate even. Most people think it was my maiden name but, little do they know it’s all from my husband’s lunacy. Monkey came from the fact that the kid was a Mexican Jumping Bean in my belly 24 hours a day.

Eventually the old Schloobie site will disappear into a redirect (for you non-techies: that’s some code that will unsuspectingly automatically launch you to the new site if you come here). Blogger is being weird (what a surprise) about it right now, of course. But, you could get a head start by going to the final landing place and updating your bookmarks now! Go Go Go!


This article has 5 comments

  1. greeblemonkey

    you so funny. 🙂

  2. Irish

    I love it (and always have!)

    I’ve changed my bookmarks:-)

  3. Mar

    I think i can get used to it 😉 Really, it looks great!

  4. Bryan

    I used to come here to view a 3D artist’s work, but he rarely updated his site. YOU ROCK! Updates all the time! I’m coming back more often. Keep up the good work!

    P.S. Do you know anybody who does good nature photos?

  5. g-man

    I like you new digs.

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