What happens when you get nominated for a big award…

Mostly, people are really, really nice – send congratulations or huggingly shake you until your teeth rattle like one of my coworkers did. But then there are those people who go the extra mile. Heather from No Pasa Nada is one of those people.

See, we have been emailing about various things over the past few days, including the fact that she may visit Denver this summer, and she has ended each one with a peppy little commentary that made me feel EXTRA special through all this attention. Such as…

– I’m so honored that a 2008 bloggie almost winner deigns to reads my silly little site.
Also, when I see you, shall I curtsy?
– If you pick me up at the airport, you can practice your royal wave.
Damn, I’ve run out of witty things to say about your impending win. Something will come to me at like midnight and I’ll have to jump out of bed and email it to you then.
– Do I have to bring a red carpet or will one be provided for you? (And it’s 10:37. Go me)
– Oh, and if the tiara is made of CZs instead of Swarovski, it’s cool. I promise not to tell anyone. (11:21 and I’m spent for the day.)

Yes, yes, yes, I know I said fame wouldn’t change me, but if one as lovely and wonderful as Heather wants to lavish me with such accoutrements, who is *moi* to deny her?

P.S. Feel free to add your own peppy commentary in the comments, as well. This is jolly good fun!

This article has 25 comments

  1. Nancy

    I’m sure John Travolta will be calling to have a dance with you!

    (In case some forgot, he danced with Princess Diana at the White House in 1985)

  2. Mamma

    I think you should insist on the curtsy and DIAMONDS!!

  3. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Ha, ya hear that Heather: DIAMONDS!

    And they are my birthstone too!

    And Nancy, really? I think I need YouTube proof.

  4. Angella

    Heather B. is awesome, which is why I am giddy that she is my roomie for BlogHer!

    She is far wittier than I, so I will just tell you AGAIN that I voted…and that I may vote AGAIN with my other email address 😉

  5. zipper

    You’ll need some boytoys to go with your nomination. In fact all the nominees should get boytoys. It should be in the rules.

  6. Anonymous

    Heather is hilarious!


    Congrats. That is awesome.

  8. cry it out!

    Yeah to you! How friggin awesome.

  9. Sleeping Mommy

    I have nothing as witty as NoPasaNada this morning. I’m too worn out.

    I’m just glad to see some people I actually know and read getting nominated this year! Real people, who take the time to respond to comments in some way.

    It’s a lot different then its been in previous years that I remember.

    That’s the thing, I’m pretty sure you won’t change just because you were nominated or even if you win. People can see that in your writing and how you respond to others.

  10. zenrain

    i must be the only one who thinks you’ll have a meeting with bono when you win 🙂

  11. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Marabeth, and of COURSE I’d bring you!

    BUT WAIT! We already met him!

    So that would be booo-ring.


  12. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    oh, and thanks to everyone for the congrats! :))))

  13. merrymishaps

    Oops, I don’t think I left my kudos on any earlier posts.

    No witty comments here either, just a friendly shout-out. I was thrilled to see you on the ballot!

  14. Sue at eLuckypacket

    Now go get ye some corgis, pronto!

  15. The Mama Hood

    Just voted for you! Good luck! Love your blog!! Aloha!!

  16. Marlee


    And I love that you’re so laid back and just plain *classy* about the whole thing when so many others are outright *begging* for votes, which is quite unbecoming, actually… 😉

  17. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Marlee, whew, I was worried that this post might seem like I *was* begging for votes. Glad you got my sarcasm. And at least I can claim I am laid back about ONE thing in my life!

    Anastasia, Joan River’s face would melt all over me before I even got close!

    And AD – feel better soon!

  18. Alpha DogMa

    Will a congrats and a good luck suffice? I’m just too tired to be creative. The flu’s wiped me out.

  19. Anastasia Beaverhausen

    If Joan Rivers tries to engage you in conversation…run like hell.

  20. bleeding espresso

    Congratulations! Just an old buddy from NaBlo stopping in to say hello-lo 😉

  21. chloebear

    I love all of NoPasaNada suggestions! Hilarious!

  22. Rebecca F.

    No peppy-ness here but I did want to whisper that I voted for you!!

    Hee hee. What fun! I hope you win!

    Rebecca F.

  23. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    thanks guys!

    I know chloebear – Heather rocks!

  24. Carol

    Congratulations! I love the coziness of your site. Feels very homey and friendly. And your photos are amazing! Guess the secret is OUT, huh?!


  25. Camels & Chocolate

    “Accoutrement” is one of my favorite words. You know how you have a backlog of words that you try to throw in every story or two because you feel a) they make you sound smarter than you are and b) they just sound cool and look good in print? Um yeah, that’s totally one of mine.

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