When Did My Child Turn Into A Hipster?


What is missing?

Oh right.

This article has 12 comments

  1. ZDub

    He’s flipping adorable.

  2. Bethany

    Ha! Love it. He has it down, check. suave smile, check!
    My 10 yr old son asked this week for some plaid shirts, so I’ll pick up some black rimmed glasses while I’m at it…

  3. Magpie

    Funny. My girl dresses like that, when she’s not wearing skirts and tights and peace signs.

  4. Anonymous

    I love him! – m

  5. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    Oh look – typos in my graphic! SHOCKING!


  6. zenrain

    Uh oh, wait’ll you see Hawkins’ new glasses!!

  7. MainlineMom

    cute! My oldest has a very similar outfit and I just could not get over how he looked in it.

  8. Becca

    That’s the way kids dresses today.

    But my 2 boys are opposite they hate wearing skinny jeans LOL!

  9. Caleb

    Haha, nice. 🙂

  10. J at www.jellyjules.com

    The older kids sporting this look locally also have a weird combination of REALLY skinny jeans, which they wear low with their boxers showing. It’s confusing.

  11. monstergirlee

    He’s cute as a button! Way too cute to be a hipster. And my kids looks a lot like that too.
    Plus he kept the 3D glasses from Star Wars, and has been wearing them all day.

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