Wow! Precipitation!

It’s been sooooo warm and dry here in Colorado all winter. Not that *I* am complaining, but our trees sure are. And my dog, who adores snow, has been pretty ticked off as well.

But we finally got a little bit of the white stuff last night. And it was so pretty that I went out in my pajamas early this morning and took a zillion photos of it.

Thank goodness I did, because it’s 1:00 pm, and the sun has wasted all that snow already.

Ahhh, Colorado. You are so fickle.

Full Flickr set of the snow photos here!

This article has 13 comments

  1. zipper

    glad you got out there!

  2. leaca

    I have been missing the ground, you know the earth that is underneath a couple of feet of snow and ice. I guess the grass is always greener. =]

  3. Lipstick and Hangnails

    I love looking at your pictures. I’ve gone through a bunch of your blogs trying to find the one you wrote giving photo directions (aperature settings etc) and can’t find it. Can you redirect me to the prior blog or give another lesson. I really want to be able to have one person in focus and one not so far from them out of focus, but I haven’t managed to do it yet. Thanx, T

  4. Grey Street Girl

    Great shots! I love this whole set. I was just in Denver last week for a layover on my way to SLC and there was not a single flake anywhere!

  5. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    L&H, here is that link:

    But I have been thinking about adding a section in the sidebar with those links and you just tipped me over the edge!

  6. Megan

    sooooo pretty. tfs.

  7. wrh

    Is that your dog?!! I’m so jealous. I had a Bernese Mtn Dog after college. I miss him.


  8. katbphotos

    wonderful set of photos! makes me miss Colorado, but I will be there in just a few weeks! so weird to live somewhere that it doesn’t snow. Thanks Leaca for sending me here.

  9. Sandy

    so pretty!

  10. Aimee Greeblemonkey

    WRH – yes, that is our dog, Poe! We got him at Christmas. 🙂 He is 17 weeks old now.

  11. lissa

    it’s always nice to be able to enjoy some time in the sun, have a great day

  12. creative-type dad

    What great pictures!

  13. spread your wings

    wonderful photos – i sure wish i had seen snow this winter

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