Meet the Simpsons

When I shave my legs, I always seem to miss this little tuft of hair on both knees. ALWAYS. I go back and re-scrape my knees every time, in multiple directions…but after the shower, I take a peek and THEY ARE STILL THERE. Luckily the hair on my legs is fine and blond, so they are not really noticeable to anyone but me.

But I know they are there.

So, I have named them Jessica and Ashlee.

And on fine Spring days, like today, when I am wearing a skirt with no hose, and I am sitting in interminably long meetings, I make Jessica and Ashlee have conversations.

“Can you believe she missed us *again* today?”

“Ah know! She is a complete idiot! Does she *not* know how to use a razor, or what?!”

“And, ah mah gawd, what are these people talking about anyway?”

“I. have. no. idea. I will call John and have him explain it to me.”

Any suggestions on getting rid of them would be most appreciated.

This article has 11 comments

  1. Tanaya

    Can’t help you. My “girls” get missed on a regular basis as well. I also usually miss a pretty wide swath down the back of my right calf too…

  2. Tree

    Mine, thrice! I also have a little area near my ankles / achilles that tends to be missed on a regular basis. And I have very dark hair.

  3. monstergirlee

    Pluck them? use hair remover cream in that one spot? I too have trouble with my knees.

  4. nobaddays

    The knee thing too. But (cringe) I admit to two stray hairs under my chin. I hack those girls off the second I see them. One is a bit coarser and more persistent than the other. Think I’ll call them Joan and Melissa (Rivers).

  5. ali

    i love that you named ’em Ashlee and Jessica. quite fitting monikers for pesky little buggers that won’t go away…no matter how much you try.

  6. aimee / greeblemonkey

    Ali, my thoughts exactly.

    And Sue… what I name the things on my chin are the topic of another post entirely. :)))

  7. monstergirlee

    I have a hair that grows out of the mole on my upper lip, her name is Karen.

  8. nutmeg

    I miss the same damn spots. As I was reading, my brain said ‘the knees’ before I even got to it. I have no advice and wouldn’t want to deprive you of the entertainment anyway. I’m heading out to a long meeting very soon – but first I’m changing into a skirt. (Just be glad Jessica and Ashley aren’t on your chin!)

  9. Anonymous

    THAT is hilarious.

  10. Mrs. Wheezer

    Too, too funny. I have the knee problem and the mole on my chin problem…

  11. samantha Jo Campen

    You are a freak.


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