Now, Time For The Bragging
Yesterday was all for complaining about Declan.
Today, let me show you the book he teacher sent home for him. The page from book that he just read to me out loud, word for word, and only had to phonetically sound about about 5 of those words. The story from that page which he answered our questions about, showing he not only could read words (some of which I didn’t even know) – but also understands the context of what he is reading.
(click image for a larger version)
May I remind you that this child is 6.5 years old???
Hold me.
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Early, voracious readers ROCK. Good on you and Declan!
that is off the hook!
ha ha Denise! You should see how hard I have to try to put a lid on my potty mouth around the kid.
What book is it? Did I miss that part. Looks like something Liam would love. We can swap kid book ideas. Sweetness! GO DEX!
That’s awesome! It looks like you’ve found his gift. He’s lucky to have a mother like you who will encourage him and brag about him.
I love the fact that in the same breath you can say, my kid can read like a motherfucker and still be the mom that says, OMG honey good work! You totally rock! Kudos to Bitchin Mom’s! 😉
Holy cow! I am seriously impressed. My neice is turning 7 in a month and there is no WAY she could read that. Your kid rocks!
that is awesome!
Amy – Frightful Takes Off – it’s about a bird of some sort, I only read a few pages with him last night. Bryan has been reading it with him mostly.
wow, you know how to brag!
That’s great! Be prepared for a wild school ride. Make sure he is hooked up with great teachers who know how to help the great readers in their class. This is a great blog to keep up on gifted education.
Very Impressive and worthy of bragging! Nice job and good job Declan!!
That’s amazing Aimee. Keep nourishing that! Maybe he’ll be a famous author or even a Nobel Peace Prize Winner?!!! Carrie
I love the post before and then this one! Very impressive in both!! That is one strong will he has being able to hold out for a whole hour!
DAMN impressive – That is great.. Brag away!!!
Yeah D!
So can we lighten up on the Sharpies, People?
no effing way!
so is that book a sequel to “my side of the mountain?” that’s some crazy reading!
WOW. That is awesome!
Sullivan is doing so much better with his reading – it literally gives me chills when does it.
Fightful was a trained falcon in My Side of the Mountain – are they related?
I am IMPRESSED! Go Declan!
This is probably a good idea. Hit them with hard stuff, and then the easy stuff that THEY NEED should come easily. Some of the things American children, on average, CAN’T do is totally an embarrassment to the Nation as a whole.
Yeah he’s totally got brains way ahead of his years
can my luck hold out 2 months in a row? Love me some damn fine music.
He’ll never be bored!
OH!!! Oh that is so great! Very little makes me as happy as seeing my kids get into a book. That definitely gives you bragging rights!